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10 Good Reasons You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be

6 minutes read.

Success require some Process. Never get to a point where you are completely satisfied with your current level. Your current position is not your Zenith in life. There is always a next level in life.

You might say, “I think I am successful already”.  Well, you can become more successful?

You have one car, fine… But, is it a crime to own five cars and even a private jet? Absolutely no.

Now, do you want to know why you’re not as successful as you should be? Continue reading for an accurate answer to your curiosity.

Read Also: Five persons you must meet to be successful

Why You Are Not Successful

The following are top 10 reasons you are probably not more successful than you are currently:

  1. You are Satisfied
  2. Your Dream is Small
  3. You waste time
  4. You are looking outside
  5. You don’t set goals
  6. You are still afraid
  7. Your parents are taking care of you
  8. You are now lazy
  9. You refuse to learn
  10. You are isolated


You Are Satisfied

The biggest enemy of your next level is your current level. It will be very difficult for you to advance in life when you are at the comfort of your current zone.

Never be satisfied with where you are. Live your life with sense of urgency. Have the mentality, “I have not arrived… So many more obstacles to be conquered and new records to break”

If I may ask, where do you see yourself in 5 years time? You need to see yourself bigger than where you are now.

Your Dream Is Small

Your dream is small. You take major things minorly and minor on the major.

You are constantly thinking of how to make sure your spouse and children are happy. You have never thought of the possibility of feeding a community or even a Nation.

You can be a female and still feed males.

You are like, “so long I can provide for my family and live a comfortable life, then I am okay”. You are consistently looking only a day or a week. Because of this, you never get anywhere, and you always follow.

Small dreams shrink you while big dreams will stress you.

You Waste Time

You are a classic time waster. You spend hours daily working on not-working. You spend more time on things that are not productive.

You spend too much time on social media. How are you ever going to be more successful than you currently are?

Time is a major asset that we are all given equally. What you do with it determines your level of success and fulfilment in this world. Time processes people and creates greatness.

Killing time is not murder but suicide. Therefore, you need to make the best use of your time. You don’t have all the time.

You Are Looking Outside

There is no secret group of people that control your success.  You have made that up to make you feel better about yourself. The truth is you, and you alone control your success in business. You need to start looking from within.

Stop blaming others for your failure and don’t use them as excuse. Success will not come if you wait for another person. You are the one that you have been waiting for.

Stand up, look within, explore your potentials; and greatness will smile at you.

You Don’t Set Goals

You believe in chance and don’t plan the next level. You believe that somehow, everything will work together magically.

You need goals to shoot for. Otherwise, you are just treading water. Until you set goals, you will begin to live like a goat.

As the CEO of this blog ( I plan my activities daily and ensure that they are an improvement on the previous.

I ensure that my old posts are not better than the current ones. Improve on yourself and set bigger targets. That’s what you should do to maintain success.

You Are Still Afraid

You are afraid to try new things, plain and simple. Afraid of looking silly and what friends and family would say. Afraid to take a radical step.

Don’t be scare to take that step. Don’t be afraid to make the move. Don’t be scared to stand out. Understand that what you are afraid of is also afraid of you.

Your Parents Are Taking Care Of You

You depend on your parents and family for help. Ladies and gentlemen, the more you depend on people, the more you limit yourself.

True success comes through conscious effort. There is a big difference between “my own” and “our own”. Until you begin to have “my own”, you can won’t have a true success.

You Are Now Lazy

I don’t think there is an easy way to put this, I have to assume that you are lazier than before.

Every successful person works hard to get to where they are. It’s okay to be lazy. Just admit it. But don’t whine about not being rich and more successful.

The role of hard work cannot be overemphasised on your way to success. You need continuos smart and hard work to succeed in life.

You Refuse To Learn

You think that you know it all. You have refused to learn or take instruction from anybody. Instructions end in the classroom but learning ends the day we die.

Yesterday’s information cannot help you in today’s reality. You need to learn and improve your mind daily.

The world is currently changing at the speed of light. If you cannot change with at least the speed of sound, then you shall miss out of the important things life has to offer. Open your mind and learn new things daily. Then success will smile at you.

You Are Isolated

According to the 48 laws of power, “don’t build fortress to cover yourself. The world is dangerous and enemies are every where-everyone has to protect themselves.

A fortress seems the safest. But isolation exposes you to more dangers than it protects you from. It cuts you off from valuable information, it makes you conspicuous and an easy target.

Better to circulate among people, find allies, mingle. You are shielded from your enemies by the crowd.

Inasmuch as you need to meet people, yet, you don’t just need any king of people to be more successful. I have listed the persons you need right now. You may click here for five persons you need to succeed.