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University News » Eight Advantages of School Hostel – See Reasons

Eight Advantages of School Hostel – See Reasons

7 minutes read.
Advantages of School Hostel

Advantages of School Hostel, Should I stay in school hostel or not? What are the major advantage s of school hostel life and why do you think I should not live in the University hostel? These are the top questions asked by newly admitted students in addition to schools fees and course registration queries. I spent over three years in school hostel and at such has alot to offer as regards the topic at hand.

In this article, I will list and explain the 8 Advantages of school hostel, This piece is scientifically compiled based on findings from major Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges of Education across Nigeria.

The following are Universities and Polytechnics I shall emphasise on: Covenant University, Federal University of Technology Owere (FUTO), University of Benin (UNIBEN), University Of Lagos (UNILAG), Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), University of Illorin (UNILORIN), Abu Zaria, Ambrose Alli University (AAU), Auchi Polytechnic, Lagos State University (LASU), University of Portharcourt (UNIPORT), University of Ibadan (UI), Laspotech and many more.

Trust me, I will try to make this topic as interesting as possible.

Are you ready for the comparison? Take a glass of chilled water, tighten your seat belt and let’s begin the interesting journey of Advantages of School Hostel

Eight Advantages of School Hostel:

1. Hostel Is Relatively Secure: You want to graduate right? Then security should be your number one priority. School hostels are more secure compared to off campus.

With every passing day, we hear gists about how arm robbers attack students who live outside hostels and take most valuable properties from them. I have not heard or experienced gun attack inside campus hostels. It’s rare!

Another common security threat outside campus is cultism. Cultists operate more outside campus than school hostels.

One beauty of living in campus is that there are security guides all around the University environment. They would always check around whether there are issues.

2. You Will Learn To Tolerate People: Some species of persons and behaviours you will find in school hostels will make you wonder whether those guys were made in the image of God. However, you would be able to cope and tolerate them.

Before now, you always feel that everyone has to think and act the way you do; but you are wrong. Just the way our faces differ, so also does our hearts and characters differ. Meeting different persons makes you understand and begin to take them for who they are. Hostel fosters relationship building.

There is a common belief that you can stay anywhere in the world if you can survive in school hostels. That’s because the school hostel has exposed you and able to make you solve compatibility issues.

See Also: Five persons you need to succeed in school

3. You Will Have Broader Knowledge: You will be surrounded by students across various faculties and departments. Interacting with them will help you know more about other fields of study. Meeting different persons will also make you know more about life.

I have been able to know more about Medicine, Pharmacy, Accounting, Law, Biochemistry, Mathematics, Nursing, Agric and other beautiful courses because of the privilege I had to live with students from those departments and faculties. This is possible because the school hostel allows students in various departments to come together.

Apart from knowing more about their courses and departments, the school hostel also gives you the opportunity to meet persons from different states and tribes. In this case you would be able to learn other languages and know more about places you have not been to. You will as well learn how to prepare different kind of dishes.

In one way or the other, you will always meet amazing people that you would love to be like. Your senior colleagues could also be in the same room with you to give you materials and advice ahead of time.

4. Reading Enthusiasm: The school hostel has been able to dramatically boost my reading habit. Your reading life will likely increase by ten fold if you live in the school hostel.

Every minute, you will see persons going to night classes to read. There are times you won’t find anyone left in your room and you will be like, “na me come dull pass?”. The next thing is for you to also take your things and rush to night class or reading room.

No matter how good you are at reading, you will find persons who read far more than you in the school hostel. I have seen people read for more than 24 hours straight and I have done it many times too. The school hostel has a way of boosting your reading habit and enthusiasm.

In addition, you result will likely be better (get good result) in your first year if you live in school hostel. You will be too comfortable if you live alone or with just one persons outside school. Off campus presents you with all the pleasure life has to offer.

Read Also: Five Disadvantages of School Hostel – See Reasons

5. Proximity To Source Of Information: Information is what puts you at the right position and it is what you have in your head that takes you ahead. The school hostel gives you first hand information about what recent happenings in school and what may likely happen next.

Yo would be the first to know whether the class would hold or not, whether there would be attendance, what the lecturer is planning, the new materials to read for the text and exams, the Students Union Government newsletter and many information you need to come out in flying colours.

6. Proximity To Classes: You will be able to rush to class in case of emergency tests and attendance. It would also be easy for you to go back and pick anything you might have forgotten in the hostel.

Apart from the instances above, it is good to walk to class just in few minutes. You don’t have to be exhausted anytime you trek to class. It would also save you the transport you would have been burning daily to come to class plus possible hold ups on the road.

7. Stable Water And Power Supply: Most University hostels in Nigeria have alternative sources of power supply. There is always electricity at night when the public electricity power supply interrupts supply.

Every student needs electricity at night to cook, read, and do other stuffs. The presence of alternative source of power supply makes hostel better than off campus. Even if you are able to afford a generator off campus, noise and the fact that you have to spend money on fuel is a big turn off.

8. School Hostels Are Affordable: You pay as low as #5,000 per session in some schools hostels. If you don’t have much money to waste on rent and other properties you need to live comfortably outside campus then try the school hostels.

Another benefit is that you will always find persons to help you when you are stranded in the hostel.

There are many more advantages of staying in school hostel, however, the above points should be enough for you to decide whether to stay in hostel or not.


That is all on Advantages of School Hostel, feel free to ask Questions concerning Advantages of School Hostel using the comments Section below.