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Top 6 Steps To Become A Cool And Creative Student

3 minutes read.

How did you feel the last time someone told you that you were not a creative student? Very bad I believe.

To become creative doesn’t only require your confession. It requires you to work on your mental faculty. You need to think and act different from average students around.


You also need to  review the connection of your brain. Your actual faculty requires your mental faculty to function.

I know you love and admire people who are very creative. You can actually become one; that is if you mean it.

The secret you need is to know what they know and develop their habits. In this article, I will be focusing on the 6 steps to become a cool and creative student. Now, lets begin the journey.

Become A Cool And Creative Student

1. Do Not Grow Up

This sounds very funny, right? but it actually makes sense. To be a cool and creative student, you must see through the eyes of a child. Creatives long to see through the eyes of a child and never lose a sense of wonder. You must always see life as a mystery and adventure.


2. Learn To Work Under Pressure

You don’t get orange juice until you subject orange to pressure. You must learn to work under pressure. Creatives are notorious procrastinators because many do their best work under pressure.

3. Increase you persistence

Anytime you come across a resistance, increase your persistence. Take every moment of your life very serious. Continue even if you have failed many times. Get results!

4. You must be focused

The creative mind is a non-stop machine fueled by intense curiosity. To be a creative person, you need to delete the pause button from your mind. Engage in intense mental process.

Even if you face interruptions, try to re-focus your mind on what you are doing.

5. Have a Quiet time

Highly creative people spend time in the secret. It is what you learn in the secret that you display publicly. Be organized and energized by taking big mental leaps and starting new things.

6. Be Yourself

Fake is very expensive to maintain. It is better to be authentic than to be popular. There are times you may be misunderstood or marginalized, do not get tired. The fact that others do not appreciate or understand you should not let you give up on what creates the desired result of your life. Continually do what makes you happy and fulfilled.


7. Dream With Your Eyes Open

The best time to dream is when your eyes are open. To be a creative student, you must learn to dream during the day. Close your eyes and begin to imagine how you can change the world. Project yourself into the real world and look for what is new.