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NECO 2019/2020 GOVERNMENT Syllabus/Brochure Questions and Answers

NECO 2019 GOVERNMENT ANSWERS GOVERNMENT OBJ: 1-10: CECABACCCA 11-20: ADCEEBCCDE 21-30: EAABEEBBBB 31-40: DDABDEABEB 41-50: BECCEECBED 51-60: ACAAEAEAAD 1i) It is written down and usually signed by those who oversaw the document being drafted and undertake to follow same. ii) Rights are clearly mentioned so that people who are governed by rules contained in same, know their entitlement. iii) Minimum expectations from leaders as well as people are listed so that they may, with passing time, be updated. iv) Promises are made to be fulfilled in future which past have rendered necessary yet difficult, even impossible. v) Certain areas maintaining status quo are marked out so that like above mentioned promises, they may be worked upon. vi) Method of determining issues related to nationality, socio economic equity and welfare are set out. These are inflexible, usually. (2a) Public opinion is defined as the nature, democratic process spurs citizens to form opinions on a number of issues. The political attitudes of these persons are often stimulated or reinforced by outside agencies a crusading newspaper, an interest group, or a government agency or official. (2b) (a)It is written down and usually signed by those who oversaw the document being drafted and undertake to follow same. (b) Rights are clearly mentioned so that people who are governed by rules contained in same, know their entitlement. (c) Minimum expectations from leaders as well as people are listed so that they may, with passing time, be updated. (d) Promises are made to be fulfilled in future which past have rendered necessary yet difficult, even impossible. (e) Certain areas maintaining status quo are marked out so that like above mentioned promises, they may be worked upon. (f)Method of determining issues related to nationality, socio economic equity and welfare are set out. These are inflexible, usually. (4) (i) The works and duties of the judiciary in a democratic system of government is to interprete the law and punish law breakers. (ii)The judiciary should not be controlled by any arms of government so as to be able to carry out it efficiency as an independent body. (iii) The judiciary also advocates the law and makes the law made known.the judiciary works is to remain unbias irrespective of the situation. *iv)Judiciary Special Role in a Federation* The judiciary has more vital role to play, where a federal system of government is practice, such as the Nigerian situation. This role include, guarding the constitution and as well as arbitering disputes involving say, the federal and the state governments. *V)Judiciary Interprets and Applies Laws* Another functions of the judiciary is the interpretation and the application of laws to all cases. We are in the know that, judiciary disputes and as well, decides on cases brought before it. In the course of doing this, the judges can be said to have interpret and apply laws. (6) (1)The independence constitution provided for a democratic parliamentary system of government whereby the office of the head of State is different from the office of the head of government. (2)A federal system of government was retained. (3)Queen Elizabeth was still the Head of state, Nnamdi Azikwe, the Governor – General, was a ceremonial Head of State representing the Queen until October 1st1963 when Nigeria became a republican State. (4)The prime minister was the Head of government and administration {Tafawa Bales}. (5)The constitution provided for a bi-cameral legislature at the center, the Senate (upper house) and House of Representatives (lower house). (6)The constitution provided a premier as the Head of the executive of each region. (8a) (i) Colonialism: Colonialism is the policy of a polity seeking to extend or retain its authority over other people or territories, generally with the aim of developing or exploiting them to the benefit of the colonizing. (ii) Imperialism: Imperialism refers to political or economic control, either formally or informally. In simple words, colonialism can be thought to be a practice and imperialism as the idea driving the practice. (iii) Nationalism: Nationalism is a political, social, and economic system characterized by the promotion of the interests of a particular nation, especially with the aim of gaining and maintaining sovereignty over the homeland. (iv) Warranty chief: Warrant Chiefs, Africa. The British appointed willing participants or collaborators and gave them “warrants” to act as local representatives of the British administration among their people. (iv) Imperialism: It is the policy that involves a nation extending its power by acquisition of land by purchase diploma or military force. Thise means is an advocacy of extending power and especially dominion over especially by direct territory acquisition or by gaining political and economic control of other areas. (9) (i) Appointment of the Executive Secretary: It is the body that appoints the Executive Secretary for the organisation. (ii) Decision-Making: It is the highest decision making body. (iii) Regional economy: It discusses issues pertaining to the economy of the sub-region. (iv) Recommendations: It approves the recommendations of the council of ministers (v) Treaties and agreements: It approves all agreements and treaties entered into by the community. (vi) Amendment of the charter: It approves prosposals initiated for the amendment of the charter establishing the community. 10)SENSITISATION There should be workshops to sensitize and create awareness to the general public on the need for national unity and patriotism. *ii)EQUITY* Equity: the government should be careful enough to share financial resources and otherwise, equally. *iii)Creation of Job opportunities* . Creation of Job opportunities: there should be the presence of an enabling environment to engage the youths to avoid idleness. They should be adequately trained on how to establish small and medium scale enterprises. . *iv)INTEGRATION* Integration: platforms, where Nigerians get to learn more about other ethnic groups, should be encouraged. This would inculcate the spirit of unity and togetherness among citizens.

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