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Which Is Better Between School & Lecture For SS1&2 Students For Waec or Neco

Should I leave Secondary school and start attending lecture/tutorial centre to pass Waec and Neco 2019 or I should just keep attending my current school? This is a questions that bothers every SS1 and SS2 Student who wish to sit for waec or Neco.

The simple answer is, “it is better to attend lectures centres because your secondary school won’t really prepare you for Waec and Neco in SS1 and SS2.


However, lecture centres will teach you everything you need to know from SS1 to SS3 within a very short period of time. This is the advantage of patronising a very good tutorial centre.

You are only set for waec and neco when you have gone through SS1 to SS3 topics. For schools that end in SS2, You would have covered all waec syllabus and hot topics by then.

It is true that lecturer centres would help you prepare more for waec and neco. However, there is something else you should do; attend the two if possible.

If you are already in a good secondary school and your parents are against you leaving, you can attend both secondary school and tutorial centres around.

You may be wondering, how do I then register Waec and Neco if I leave my current school? You can register waec and neco in any school or centre. You don’t need to be a student before you are allowed to enrol.

Good Tutorial Centres In Benin City

Examples of good tutorial centres in can attent in Benin City are

  • Solid Education Centre at iheya, new lagos road
  • Boiling point tutorials at Ugbowo
  • Gorilla brains opposite uniben



A good lecture centre will prepare you better for waec and neco than your secondary school if you choose to take when from SS1. This is because your secondary school doesn’t prepare you fully for either exam at SS1.

Despite that, I highly recommend that you attend both your Secondary school classes and tutorial centres if possible. If school takes most of your time, you can attend lectures during weekends and buy books to prepare for your examination