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Scared Of Writing Jamb 2019/2020 See 6 Things To Do Now

Scared Of Writing Jamb?, As you already know that jamb 2019 Registration and exam date is constant.. It is however true that so many candidates are scared of writing Jamb in Nigeria.

The fear could be that they are writing Jamb for the first first time. There is usually fear of failure in the first attempt.

See how to Register for Jamb

When you feer that you are not prepared for Jamb, there great probability that fear must come.

There are so many reasons to be scared of Jamb 2019 examination. However, you should understand that what you are afraid of is also afraid of you.

There are six common fear of Jamb candidates:

  • The Fear of failure
  • Fear of not scoring.
  • Writing the CBT exam for the first time.
  • Fear of what others say about Jamb.
  • Fear of failing Jamb again.
  • Not convinced whether you are prepared.
  • Fear of what people will say.
  • Fear of the unknown.

See NPower Programs for 2019/2020 And Requirements

In this article, I came to bring hope to those who feel that they can’t make it. You are more than conqueror dear. Below are five things to do when you are scared of writing Jamb….

Scared Of Writing Jamb 2019 See What to do

1. Read More: Your competence determines your confidence. The more books and past questions you are exposed to, the more you become bold to face Jamb.

Get all the required text books and syllabus. It is not late to begin studies. Have you lost interest in reading? The article below will help.

Read: How to revive interest in reading

2. Failure Is Not An Option: Most of the fear Jamb candidates have are psychological. They tell themselves things like, what if I fail? You will not fail. Do not take failure as an option.

You are not a failure. You can not fail. You are a success. Always empower your mind and brain every day with positive thinking and declaration.

Read: Benefits of positive thinking

3. Meet People Who Are Bold: The best set of people you should meet are those whose strength is your weakness. Don’t associate with people who have the same weakness with you.

Meet with fellow candidates who are bold and prepared. Who you follow determines what follows you.

Read: Five persons you need to be successful

4. Drop Your Past: You may have failed Jamb or similar exams before, it doesn’t mean that you will fail again. You are not a failure.

Failure is just an event. A bus stop is not a full stop. I don’t care to know what happened before. I am here to tell you that you can still make if you mean it.

Keep the past and focus on the future. Start now….

Read: The real price of success

5. Don’t Always Think About the exam date:When you think that the date is very close, it makes you very scared.

Go about your preparations and forget the date. Improve on your studies with every passing day. Don’t let your study of yesterday be more effective than that of today.

Read: How to study effectively for Jamb

6. Be Guided: Some dreams are shattered not because they are chattered or cheaper. But, because they are not ordered. The journey is too far that you will become a leper if you decide to travel alone.

Here at Examloaded, I want to make you get your desired score in Jamb. Join Our Jamb Clinic our clinic