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JAMB Subject Combinations For All Courses

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JAMB Subject Combinations
JAMB Subject Combinations

JAMB subject combinations for all courses 2021/2022  is now available for all candidates as JAMB UTME registration 2021  is about to start, the main tools needed by candidates is jamb subject combinations to enable you know the course as well as the Jamb subject combinations for that particular course.

Take time to know your course and subjects that follows, As of last year and this year, many candidates ran into the problem of buying JAMB change of course in order to edit from their mistakes, We promised you that whatever you need in order to score high and go further without returning for the second journey is our first target. Below is the course and its subject combination for the academic session of 2021.

See List Of Art Courses I Can Study Without Literature In English

JAMB Subject Combinations For Sciences:

1. Medicine and Surgery:
Use of English, Biology, Physics and Chemistry

2. Agricultural Engineering:
Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and

3-. Computer Science:
Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and one of Biology, Chemistry, Agric Science, Economics and Geography

4. Biochemistry:
Use of English, Biology, Physics and Chemistry

5. Biological Sciences:
Use of English, Biology, Chemistry and Physics or

6. Physics:
Use of English, Physics, Mathematics and
Chemistry or Biology.

7. Mathematics:
Use of English, Mathematics and any two of
Physics, Chemistry, Economics, Biology and
Agricultural Science.

8. Chemistry:
Use of English, Chemistry and two of Physics,
Biology and Mathematics.

9. Nursing:
Use of English, Physics, Biology and Chemistry

10. Food, Science and Technology:
Use of English, Chemistry, Mathematics / Physics
and Agric Science

11. Pharmacy:
Use of English, Biology, Physics and Chemistry

12. Industrial Chemistry:
Use of English, Chemistry, Mathematics and any
of Physics/Biology/Agricultural Science.

13. Fisheries:
Use of English, Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural
Science and any other Science subject.

14. Geology:
Use of English and any three Chemistry, Physics,
Mathematics, Biology and Geography.

15. Geography:
Use of English, Geography and any two of
Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and
Agricultural Science.

16. Surveying an Geo-informatics:
Use of English, Physics, Mathematics, and any of
Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology and

17. Statistics:
Use of English, Mathematics and any two of

18. Building:
Use of English, Physics, Mathematics, and any of
Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology and

19. Microbiology:
Use of English, Biology, Chemistry and either
Physics or Mathematics.

20. Botany:
Use of English, Biology, Chemistry and any other
Science subject.

21. Zoology:
Use of English, Biology and any two of Physics,
Chemistry and Mathematics.

22. Pure and Applied Mathematics:
Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and Biology
or Agric Science or Chemistry or Geography.

23. Agriculture:
English, Chemistry, Biology/Agriculture and any
one of Physics and Mathematics.

24. Agricultural Economics:
English Language, Chemistry, Biology/
Agricultural Science and Mathematics.

25. Agric-Extension:
English, Chemistry, Biology/ Agricultural Science
plus Mathematics or Physics.

26. Agronomy:
English, Chemistry, Biology or Agriculture
and Physics or Mathematics.

27. Animal Production and Science:
Use of English, Chemistry, Biology/Agric Science
and Physics/Mathematics.

28. Crop Production and Science:
English, Chemistry, Biology/Agriculture and
Mathematics or Physics.

29. Soil Science:
English, Chemistry, Biology or Agricultural
Science plus Mathematics or Physics.

30. Veterinary Science:
English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology

31. Forestry:
Use of English, Chemistry, Biology or Agriculture
and Physics or Mathematics.

32. Civil Engineering:
Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and

33. Chemical Engineering:
Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and

34. Computer Engineering:
Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and

35. Electrical Engineering:
Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and

36. Electronic Engineering:
Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and

37. Marine Engineering:
Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and

38. Mechanical Engineering:
Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and

39. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering:
Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and

40. Petroleum and Gas Engineering:
Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and

41. Systems Engineering:
Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and

42. Structural Engineering:
Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and

43. Production and Industrial Engineering:
Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and

44. Architecture:
English, Physics, Mathematics, and any of
Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology and

45. Quantity Surveying:
Use of English, Physics, Mathematics, and any of
Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology and

46. Urban and Regional Planning:
English, Mathematics, Geography and one of
Economics, Physics, Chemistry.

47. Estate Management:
Use of English, Mathematics, Economics and one
other subject

48. Anatomy:
English, Mathematics, Biology and Chemistry or

49. Dentistry:
Use of English, Chemistry, Biology and one
Science subject.

50. Medical Laboratory Science:
English Language, Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

51. Medical Rehabilitation:
Use of English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology

52. Physiology:
Use of English, Biology, Physics and Chemistry

53. Physiotherapy:
Use of English, Biology, Physics and Chemistry

54. Radiography:
Use of English, Biology, Physics and Chemistry

55. Veterinary Medicine:
Use of English, Biology, Physics and Chemistry


JAMB Subject Combinations – For Social

1. Accountancy:
Use of English, Mathematics, Economics and any
other Social Science subject

2. Business Administration:
Use of English, Mathematics, Economics and any
other Social Science subject

3. Public Administration:
Use of English, Government, Economics and any
other subject

4. Banking and Finance:
Use of English, Mathematics, one Social Science
subject and any other subject

5. Economics:
Use of English, Mathematics, Economics and any
of Government, History, Geography, Literature in
English, French and CRK/IRK.

6. Demography and Social Statistics:
Use of English, Mathematics, Economics/
Geography and any other subject.

7. Geography:
Use of English, Geography and two other Arts or
Social Science subjects

8. Library Science:
Use of English and Any three Arts or Social
Science subjects

9. Mass Communication:
Use of English and any three from Arts or Social
Science subjects.

10. Sociology:
Use of English, Three Social Science or Arts

11. Political Science:
Use of English, Government or History plus two
other Social Science/Arts subjects.

12. Philosophy:
Use of English, Government and any other two

13. Psychology:
Use of English, Any three subjects from Arts or
Social Science

14. Religious Studies:
Use of English Language, CRK/IRS and any two
other subjects.

15. Social Works:
Use of English Language, Mathematics, Economics/
Geography and any other subject

16. Sociology and Anthropology:
Use of English, Three Social Science or Arts

17. Industrial Relations:
Use of English, Mathematics, Economics plus one
other relevant subject

18. Human Resources Management:
Use of English, Economics, Government and any
other relevant subjects.

19. International Relations:
Use of English, Economics, Literature in English
and Geography/Government/History.

20. Business Management:
Use of English, Mathematics, Economics and one
other subject.

21. Cooperative and Rural Development:
Use of English, Mathematics, Economics plus one
other subject.

22. Tourism:
English, Mathematics, Economics and any other

23. Marketing:
Use of English, Mathematics, Economics plus one
other relevant Subject.

24. Insurance:
English, Mathematics, Economics and one other

JAMB Subject Combinations For Arts:

1. Arabic and Islamic Studies:
Use of English, Arabic and Two subjects from
Arts and/or Social Sciences.

2. Christian Religious Studies:
Use of English, Two Arts subjects including
Christian Religious Knowledge and any other

3. Fine and Applied Arts:
Use of English Language, Fine Art and two other
Arts subjects or Social Science subject.

4. Theatre Arts:
Use of English, Lit. in English and two other
relevant subjects.

5. Linguistics:
English, Two relevant Arts subjects and any other

6. English and International Studies:
Use of English, Literature in English, Government
or History or any other Arts subjects.

7. French:
English, French and any other two subjects from
Arts and Social Sciences.

8. English Language:
Use of English, Lit.-in-English, one other Arts
subject and another Arts or Social Science

9. Hausa:
English, Hausa, Lit in English and any of
Economics, Government, History and Arabic.

10. History and International Studies:
Use of English, History/Government and any
other two subjects from Arts & Social Science.

11. Islamic Studies:
English, Islamic Religious Studies plus two other
Arts subjects.

12. Igbo:
English, Igbo and two subjects from Arts and
social Sciences.

13. Mass Communication:
Use of English, Any three Arts and Social Science

14. Music:
Use of English, Music, one other Arts subject
plus any other subject.
15. Philosophy:
Use of English, Any three subjects.

16. Religious Studies:
English, CRK/IRS and any two other subjects.

17. Yoruba:
Use of English, Yoruba and two other subjects in
Arts or Social Sciences.

18. Anthropology:
Use of English, Any three of History, CRK/IRK,
Geography, Economics, Literature in English and

19. Criminology and Security Studies:
English, Economics, Government, and any one of
the following: History, Geography, Literature in
English, French, IRK, Hausa.

20. Law:
English, Literature, Economics and any other Art

21. Civil Law:
English Language and Any three Arts or Social
Science subjects.

22. Islamic / Sharia Law:
Use of English Language and Any three Arts or
Social Science subjects including Arabic or Islamic

If You Can’t find your dream course in the List Above, Click Here for Subject combinations PART 2


That’s all on JAMB Subject Combinations Part 1


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