A.   2025/2026 JAMB Expo/Runz Questions and Answers
B.   2025 WAEC Expo Runz (Runs) | Questions and Answers

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I.R.S: 100 IRK JAMB CBT Expected Questions & Answers for 2025

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I.R.S: 100 IRK JAMB CBT Questions & Answers for 2025

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Note: These questions and answers belong to our past candidates and not that of this year, to get your 2025 Jamb CBT Answers, kindly contact us on Whatsapp.

Question 1: Walam yakun lahu Kufuwan Ahadun is_____ .

A: the second ayat of the 112th surah

B: sixth ayat of the 111th surah

C: fourth ayat of the 112th surah {correct answer for question number 1.}

D: seventh ayat of the 114th surah

E: seventh ayat of the 114th surah

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 1 is ‘C’ which is ‘fourth ayat of the 112th surah ‘.

Question 2: Al-Tawrat was revealed to .

A: Isa

B: Musa {correct answer for question number 2.}

C: Prophet Muhammad

D: Idris

E: Idris

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 2 is ‘B’ which is ‘Musa ‘.

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Question 3: The reason Q. 2: 219 forbids wine ad gambling is because .

A: they lead one to greater sin than gain {correct answer for question number 3.}

B: they lead to poverty ultimately

C: they lead to extravagance and intoxication

D: they make a Muslim to abandon religion

E: they make a Muslim to abandon religion

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 3 is ‘A’ which is ‘they lead one to greater sin than gain ‘.

Question 4: ?eek k o ledge, e e u to Chi a ea s ____ .

A: go to China to seek knowledge

B: knowledge is found in China

C: go at any length to seek knowledge {correct answer for question number 4.}

D: knowledge must be sought in china

E: knowledge must be sought in china

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 4 is ‘C’ which is ‘go at any length to seek knowledge ‘.

Question 5: Shirk means ____ .

A: monotheism

B: polytheism {correct answer for question number 5.}

C: henotheism

D: syncretism

E: syncretism

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 5 is ‘B’ which is ‘polytheism’.

Question 6: The reason Mecca suwar lay emphasis on oneness of Allah is because .

A: it was the only way to call Mecca to Islam

B: it is the only article of faith

C: it is the only article of peace between Prophet Muhammad and the Mecca

D: the pre-Islamic Mecca were idolatrous {correct answer for question number 6.}

E: the pre-Islamic Mecca were idolatrous

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 6 is ‘D’ which is ‘the pre-Islamic Mecca were idolatrous ‘.

Question 7: The reason Mecca suwar lay emphasis on oneness of Allah is because .

A: it was the only way to call Mecca to Islam

B: it is the only article of faith

C: it is the only article of peace between Prophet Muhammad and the Mecca

D: the pre-Islamic Mecca were idolatrous {correct answer for question number 7.}

E: the pre-Islamic Mecca were idolatrous

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 7 is ‘D’ which is ‘the pre-Islamic Mecca were idolatrous ‘.

Question 8: The reason Mecca suwar lay emphasis on oneness of Allah is because .

A: it was the only way to call Mecca to Islam

B: it is the only article of faith

C: it is the only article of peace between Prophet Muhammad and the Mecca

D: the pre-Islamic Mecca were idolatrous {correct answer for question number 8.}

E: the pre-Islamic Mecca were idolatrous

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 8 is ‘D’ which is ‘the pre-Islamic Mecca were idolatrous ‘.

Question 9: ?eek k o ledge, e e u to Chi a ea s ____ .

A: go to China to seek knowledge

B: knowledge is found in China

C: go at any length to seek knowledge {correct answer for question number 9.}

D: knowledge must be sought in china

E: knowledge must be sought in china

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 9 is ‘C’ which is ‘go at any length to seek knowledge ‘.

Question 10: When Prophet Muhammad got to Yathrib, he had to first and foremost settle the feud between .

A: Aws and Khazraj {correct answer for question number 10.}

B: banu Nadir and Mecca

C: Mecca and Medina

D: Aws and Nadir

E: Aws and Nadir

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 10 is ‘A’ which is ‘Aws and Khazraj ‘.

Question 11: The reason for the declaration of Jihad against the Islamic state of Borno by Muhammad Bello wasbecause of the people.

A: rebellion

B: extremism

C: syncretism {correct answer for question number 11.}

D: fundamentalism

E: fundamentalism

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 11 is ‘C’ which is ‘syncretism ‘.

Question 12: The word Hafizi in Q. 82: 10 means .

A: angels {correct answer for question number 12.}

B: jinns

C: spirits

D: man

E: man

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 12 is ‘A’ which is ‘angels ‘.

Question 13: The i itial suggestio to o pile the Qu a as aised .

A: A u Bak

B: Umar B. Khattab {correct answer for question number 13.}

C: Zaid B. Thabit

D: Uthman B. Affan

E: Uthman B. Affan

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 13 is ‘B’ which is ‘Umar B. Khattab ‘.

Question 14: The reason Q. 2: 219 forbids wine ad gambling is because .

A: they lead one to greater sin than gain {correct answer for question number 14.}

B: they lead to poverty ultimately

C: they lead to extravagance and intoxication

D: they make a Muslim to abandon religion

E: they make a Muslim to abandon religion

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 14 is ‘A’ which is ‘they lead one to greater sin than gain ‘.

Question 15: ?eek k o ledge, e e u to Chi a ea s ____ .

A: go to China to seek knowledge

B: knowledge is found in China

C: go at any length to seek knowledge {correct answer for question number 15.}

D: knowledge must be sought in china

E: knowledge must be sought in china

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 15 is ‘C’ which is ‘go at any length to seek knowledge ‘.

Question 16: The oa d gi e to P ophet Muhad is the first e elatio of the Qu a tells us about ____ .

A: education {correct answer for question number 16.}

B: prosperity

C: worship

D: Allah

E: Allah

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 16 is ‘A’ which is ‘education ‘.

Question 17: The spokesman of the Muslims before Emperor Negus was .

A: Jaafar {correct answer for question number 17.}

B: Al-As

C: Abu Musa

D: Masa Musa

E: Masa Musa

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 17 is ‘A’ which is ‘Jaafar ‘.

Question 18: Talaq al-.

A: irrevocable {correct answer for question number 18.}

B: revocable

C: impermissible

D: detestable

E: detestable

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 18 is ‘A’ which is ‘irrevocable ‘.

Question 19: If a Muslim prays five times daily on a regular basis, how many times will he have prayed a regular .

A: 1825 {correct answer for question number 19.}

B: 1835

C: 1835

D: 1845

E: 1845

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 19 is ‘A’ which is ‘1825’.

Question 20: Al-Tawrat was revealed to .

A: Isa

B: Musa {correct answer for question number 20.}

C: Prophet Muhammad

D: Idris

E: Idris

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 20 is ‘B’ which is ‘Musa ‘.

Question 21: The spokesman of the Muslims before Emperor Negus was .

A: Jaafar {correct answer for question number 21.}

B: Al-As

C: Abu Musa

D: Masa Musa

E: Masa Musa

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 21 is ‘A’ which is ‘Jaafar ‘.

Question 22: The main message of ayay Amanar-Rasul is .

A: the significance of knowledge

B: the articles of faith {correct answer for question number 22.}

C: the pillars of Islam

D: payment of Zakat

E: payment of Zakat

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 22 is ‘B’ which is ‘the articles of faith ‘.

Question 23: Hajjatul Wada of Prophet Muhammad was delivered in .

A: 632 {correct answer for question number 23.}

B: 630

C: 628

D: 631

E: 631

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 23 is ‘A’ which is ‘632’.

Question 24: The final and total prohibition of intoxicants is contained in Surah .

A: al-Baqarah

B: an-Nisa

C: al-Maidah {correct answer for question number 24.}

D: al- I a

E: al- I a

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 24 is ‘C’ which is ‘al-Maidah ‘.

Question 25: Which one of the following is not associated with shirk _____ .

A: idol worship

B: trinity

C: monotheism {correct answer for question number 25.}

D: henotheism

E: henotheism

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 25 is ‘C’ which is ‘monotheism ‘.

Question 26: According to Islamic traditions, inability to marriage may rise as a consequence of .

A: defects in sex organs

B: permanent illness

C: impotence

D: all of the above {correct answer for question number 26.}

E: all of the above

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 26 is ‘D’ which is ‘all of the above ‘.

Question 27: Suratul-Kawthar was revealed following the _____ of the Mecca .

A: uproar

B: insinuation {correct answer for question number 27.}

C: intolerance

D: resistance

E: resistance

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 27 is ‘B’ which is ‘insinuation ‘.

Question 28: The reason Q. 2: 219 forbids wine ad gambling is because .

A: they lead one to greater sin than gain {correct answer for question number 28.}

B: they lead to poverty ultimately

C: they lead to extravagance and intoxication

D: they make a Muslim to abandon religion

E: they make a Muslim to abandon religion

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 28 is ‘A’ which is ‘they lead one to greater sin than gain ‘.

Question 29: Which one of the following is not associated with shirk _____ .

A: idol worship

B: trinity

C: monotheism {correct answer for question number 29.}

D: henotheism

E: henotheism

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 29 is ‘C’ which is ‘monotheism ‘.

Question 30: Which one of the following is not associated with shirk _____ .

A: idol worship

B: trinity

C: monotheism {correct answer for question number 30.}

D: henotheism

E: henotheism

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 30 is ‘C’ which is ‘monotheism ‘.

Question 31: The spokesman of the Muslims before Emperor Negus was .

A: Jaafar {correct answer for question number 31.}

B: Al-As

C: Abu Musa

D: Masa Musa

E: Masa Musa

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 31 is ‘A’ which is ‘Jaafar ‘.

Question 32: Shirk means ____ .

A: monotheism

B: polytheism {correct answer for question number 32.}

C: henotheism

D: syncretism

E: syncretism

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 32 is ‘B’ which is ‘polytheism’.

Question 33: Wudu means .

A: ablution

B: dry ablution {correct answer for question number 33.}

C: water ablution

D: wet ablution

E: wet ablution

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 33 is ‘B’ which is ‘dry ablution ‘.

Question 34: The main message of ayay Amanar-Rasul is .

A: the significance of knowledge

B: the articles of faith {correct answer for question number 34.}

C: the pillars of Islam

D: payment of Zakat

E: payment of Zakat

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 34 is ‘B’ which is ‘the articles of faith ‘.

Question 35: The final and total prohibition of intoxicants is contained in Surah .

A: al-Baqarah

B: an-Nisa

C: al-Maidah {correct answer for question number 35.}

D: al- I a

E: al- I a

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 35 is ‘C’ which is ‘al-Maidah ‘.

Question 36: Wudu means .

A: ablution

B: dry ablution {correct answer for question number 36.}

C: water ablution

D: wet ablution

E: wet ablution

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 36 is ‘B’ which is ‘dry ablution ‘.

Question 37: One importance of wearing the Ihram during Hajj is_____ .

A: it directs the mind of all Muslims towards Allah

B: it purifies the Muslims

C: it makes all Muslims equal {correct answer for question number 37.}

D: it distinguishes pilgrims by country of origin

E: it distinguishes pilgrims by country of origin

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 37 is ‘C’ which is ‘it makes all Muslims equal ‘.

Question 38: The reason Q. 2: 219 forbids wine ad gambling is because .

A: they lead one to greater sin than gain {correct answer for question number 38.}

B: they lead to poverty ultimately

C: they lead to extravagance and intoxication

D: they make a Muslim to abandon religion

E: they make a Muslim to abandon religion

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 38 is ‘A’ which is ‘they lead one to greater sin than gain ‘.

Question 39: Lakum dinukum wa Liya dinin means .

A: religion is good

B: to you is my religion and to me yours

C: to you is your religion and to me is my religion {correct answer for question number 39.}

D: my religion is better than yours

E: my religion is better than yours

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 39 is ‘C’ which is ‘to you is your religion and to me is my religion ‘.

Question 40: Shirk means ____ .

A: monotheism

B: polytheism {correct answer for question number 40.}

C: henotheism

D: syncretism

E: syncretism

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 40 is ‘B’ which is ‘polytheism’.

Question 41: Shirk means ____ .

A: monotheism

B: polytheism {correct answer for question number 41.}

C: henotheism

D: syncretism

E: syncretism

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 41 is ‘B’ which is ‘polytheism’.

Question 42: The word Hafizi in Q. 82: 10 means .

A: angels {correct answer for question number 42.}

B: jinns

C: spirits

D: man

E: man

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 42 is ‘A’ which is ‘angels ‘.

Question 43: Suratul-Kawthar was revealed following the _____ of the Mecca .

A: uproar

B: insinuation {correct answer for question number 43.}

C: intolerance

D: resistance

E: resistance

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 43 is ‘B’ which is ‘insinuation ‘.

Question 44: The spokesman of the Muslims before Emperor Negus was .

A: Jaafar {correct answer for question number 44.}

B: Al-As

C: Abu Musa

D: Masa Musa

E: Masa Musa

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 44 is ‘A’ which is ‘Jaafar ‘.

Question 45: One importance of wearing the Ihram during Hajj is_____ .

A: it directs the mind of all Muslims towards Allah

B: it purifies the Muslims

C: it makes all Muslims equal {correct answer for question number 45.}

D: it distinguishes pilgrims by country of origin

E: it distinguishes pilgrims by country of origin

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 45 is ‘C’ which is ‘it makes all Muslims equal ‘.

Question 46: The oa d gi e to P ophet Muhad is the first e elatio of the Qu a tells us about ____ .

A: education {correct answer for question number 46.}

B: prosperity

C: worship

D: Allah

E: Allah

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 46 is ‘A’ which is ‘education ‘.

Question 47: Suratul-Kawthar was revealed following the _____ of the Mecca .

A: uproar

B: insinuation {correct answer for question number 47.}

C: intolerance

D: resistance

E: resistance

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 47 is ‘B’ which is ‘insinuation ‘.

Question 48: If Alhaji Musa Ayuba invested N10, 000: 00 in a business and made a profit of N2, 000: 00 at the.

A: N215.00

B: N100: 00

C: N50:00 {correct answer for question number 48.}

D: N1000:00

E: N1000:00

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 48 is ‘C’ which is ‘N50:00 ‘.

Question 49: Which one of the following is not associated with shirk _____ .

A: idol worship

B: trinity

C: monotheism {correct answer for question number 49.}

D: henotheism

E: henotheism

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 49 is ‘C’ which is ‘monotheism ‘.

Question 50: The reason Mecca suwar lay emphasis on oneness of Allah is because .

A: it was the only way to call Mecca to Islam

B: it is the only article of faith

C: it is the only article of peace between Prophet Muhammad and the Mecca

D: the pre-Islamic Mecca were idolatrous {correct answer for question number 50.}

E: the pre-Islamic Mecca were idolatrous

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 50 is ‘D’ which is ‘the pre-Islamic Mecca were idolatrous ‘.

Question 51: Al-Tawrat was revealed to .

A: Isa

B: Musa {correct answer for question number 51.}

C: Prophet Muhammad

D: Idris

E: Idris

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 51 is ‘B’ which is ‘Musa ‘.

Question 52: If Alhaji Musa Ayuba invested N10, 000: 00 in a business and made a profit of N2, 000: 00 at the.

A: N215.00

B: N100: 00

C: N50:00 {correct answer for question number 52.}

D: N1000:00

E: N1000:00

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 52 is ‘C’ which is ‘N50:00 ‘.

Question 53: One importance of wearing the Ihram during Hajj is_____ .

A: it directs the mind of all Muslims towards Allah

B: it purifies the Muslims

C: it makes all Muslims equal {correct answer for question number 53.}

D: it distinguishes pilgrims by country of origin

E: it distinguishes pilgrims by country of origin

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 53 is ‘C’ which is ‘it makes all Muslims equal ‘.

Question 54: Wudu means .

A: ablution

B: dry ablution {correct answer for question number 54.}

C: water ablution

D: wet ablution

E: wet ablution

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 54 is ‘B’ which is ‘dry ablution ‘.

Question 55: The reason Q. 2: 219 forbids wine ad gambling is because .

A: they lead one to greater sin than gain {correct answer for question number 55.}

B: they lead to poverty ultimately

C: they lead to extravagance and intoxication

D: they make a Muslim to abandon religion

E: they make a Muslim to abandon religion

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 55 is ‘A’ which is ‘they lead one to greater sin than gain ‘.

Question 56: ?eek k o ledge, e e u to Chi a ea s ____ .

A: go to China to seek knowledge

B: knowledge is found in China

C: go at any length to seek knowledge {correct answer for question number 56.}

D: knowledge must be sought in china

E: knowledge must be sought in china

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 56 is ‘C’ which is ‘go at any length to seek knowledge ‘.

Question 57: The oa d gi e to P ophet Muhad is the first e elatio of the Qu a tells us about ____ .

A: education {correct answer for question number 57.}

B: prosperity

C: worship

D: Allah

E: Allah

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 57 is ‘A’ which is ‘education ‘.

Question 58: According to Islamic traditions, inability to marriage may rise as a consequence of .

A: defects in sex organs

B: permanent illness

C: impotence

D: all of the above {correct answer for question number 58.}

E: all of the above

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 58 is ‘D’ which is ‘all of the above ‘.

Question 59: Which one of the following is not associated with shirk _____ .

A: idol worship

B: trinity

C: monotheism {correct answer for question number 59.}

D: henotheism

E: henotheism

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 59 is ‘C’ which is ‘monotheism ‘.

Question 60: Hajjatul Wada of Prophet Muhammad was delivered in .

A: 632 {correct answer for question number 60.}

B: 630

C: 628

D: 631

E: 631

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 60 is ‘A’ which is ‘632’.

Question 61: Which one of the following is not associated with shirk _____ .

A: idol worship

B: trinity

C: monotheism {correct answer for question number 61.}

D: henotheism

E: henotheism

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 61 is ‘C’ which is ‘monotheism ‘.

Question 62: The reason for the declaration of Jihad against the Islamic state of Borno by Muhammad Bello wasbecause of the people.

A: rebellion

B: extremism

C: syncretism {correct answer for question number 62.}

D: fundamentalism

E: fundamentalism

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 62 is ‘C’ which is ‘syncretism ‘.

Question 63: The main message of ayay Amanar-Rasul is .

A: the significance of knowledge

B: the articles of faith {correct answer for question number 63.}

C: the pillars of Islam

D: payment of Zakat

E: payment of Zakat

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 63 is ‘B’ which is ‘the articles of faith ‘.

Question 64: The oa d gi e to P ophet Muhad is the first e elatio of the Qu a tells us about ____ .

A: education {correct answer for question number 64.}

B: prosperity

C: worship

D: Allah

E: Allah

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 64 is ‘A’ which is ‘education ‘.

Question 65: Zakat is paid on the following except____ .

A: cash

B: cattle

C: slaves {correct answer for question number 65.}

D: all of the above

E: all of the above

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 65 is ‘C’ which is ‘slaves’.

Question 66: The main message of ayay Amanar-Rasul is .

A: the significance of knowledge

B: the articles of faith {correct answer for question number 66.}

C: the pillars of Islam

D: payment of Zakat

E: payment of Zakat

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 66 is ‘B’ which is ‘the articles of faith ‘.

Question 67: Lakum dinukum wa Liya dinin means .

A: religion is good

B: to you is my religion and to me yours

C: to you is your religion and to me is my religion {correct answer for question number 67.}

D: my religion is better than yours

E: my religion is better than yours

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 67 is ‘C’ which is ‘to you is your religion and to me is my religion ‘.

Question 68: When Prophet Muhammad got to Yathrib, he had to first and foremost settle the feud between .

A: Aws and Khazraj {correct answer for question number 68.}

B: banu Nadir and Mecca

C: Mecca and Medina

D: Aws and Nadir

E: Aws and Nadir

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 68 is ‘A’ which is ‘Aws and Khazraj ‘.

Question 69: The word Hafizi in Q. 82: 10 means .

A: angels {correct answer for question number 69.}

B: jinns

C: spirits

D: man

E: man

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 69 is ‘A’ which is ‘angels ‘.

Question 70: Shirk means ____ .

A: monotheism

B: polytheism {correct answer for question number 70.}

C: henotheism

D: syncretism

E: syncretism

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 70 is ‘B’ which is ‘polytheism’.

Question 71: Hajjatul Wada of Prophet Muhammad was delivered in .

A: 632 {correct answer for question number 71.}

B: 630

C: 628

D: 631

E: 631

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 71 is ‘A’ which is ‘632’.

Question 72: Literally, Boko Haram means .

A: book is forbidden

B: education is forbidden

C: Western education is forbidden {correct answer for question number 72.}

D: school is forbidden

E: school is forbidden

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 72 is ‘C’ which is ‘Western education is forbidden ‘.

Question 73: Lakum dinukum wa Liya dinin means .

A: religion is good

B: to you is my religion and to me yours

C: to you is your religion and to me is my religion {correct answer for question number 73.}

D: my religion is better than yours

E: my religion is better than yours

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 73 is ‘C’ which is ‘to you is your religion and to me is my religion ‘.

Question 74: Shirk means ____ .

A: monotheism

B: polytheism {correct answer for question number 74.}

C: henotheism

D: syncretism

E: syncretism

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 74 is ‘B’ which is ‘polytheism’.

Question 75: Ibadah refers to .

A: worship of ancestors

B: worship of the Prophet

C: worship of the caliphs

D: worship of Allah {correct answer for question number 75.}

E: worship of Allah

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 75 is ‘D’ which is ‘worship of Allah ‘.

Question 76: The spokesman of the Muslims before Emperor Negus was .

A: Jaafar {correct answer for question number 76.}

B: Al-As

C: Abu Musa

D: Masa Musa

E: Masa Musa

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 76 is ‘A’ which is ‘Jaafar ‘.

Question 77: The prophet admonishes that if an abomination is found, a true Muslim should at least .

A: hate if from his heart {correct answer for question number 77.}

B: change it with his hands immediately

C: condemn it publicly

D: declare Jihad

E: declare Jihad

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 77 is ‘A’ which is ‘hate if from his heart ‘.

Question 78: The reason Mecca suwar lay emphasis on oneness of Allah is because .

A: it was the only way to call Mecca to Islam

B: it is the only article of faith

C: it is the only article of peace between Prophet Muhammad and the Mecca

D: the pre-Islamic Mecca were idolatrous {correct answer for question number 78.}

E: the pre-Islamic Mecca were idolatrous

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 78 is ‘D’ which is ‘the pre-Islamic Mecca were idolatrous ‘.

Question 79: The spokesman of the Muslims before Emperor Negus was .

A: Jaafar {correct answer for question number 79.}

B: Al-As

C: Abu Musa

D: Masa Musa

E: Masa Musa

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 79 is ‘A’ which is ‘Jaafar ‘.

Question 80: The reason for the declaration of Jihad against the Islamic state of Borno by Muhammad Bello wasbecause of the people.

A: rebellion

B: extremism

C: syncretism {correct answer for question number 80.}

D: fundamentalism

E: fundamentalism

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 80 is ‘C’ which is ‘syncretism ‘.

Question 81: The main message of ayay Amanar-Rasul is .

A: the significance of knowledge

B: the articles of faith {correct answer for question number 81.}

C: the pillars of Islam

D: payment of Zakat

E: payment of Zakat

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 81 is ‘B’ which is ‘the articles of faith ‘.

Question 82: Talaq al-.

A: irrevocable {correct answer for question number 82.}

B: revocable

C: impermissible

D: detestable

E: detestable

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 82 is ‘A’ which is ‘irrevocable ‘.

Question 83: Literally, Boko Haram means .

A: book is forbidden

B: education is forbidden

C: Western education is forbidden {correct answer for question number 83.}

D: school is forbidden

E: school is forbidden

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 83 is ‘C’ which is ‘Western education is forbidden ‘.

Question 84: The reason Q. 2: 219 forbids wine ad gambling is because .

A: they lead one to greater sin than gain {correct answer for question number 84.}

B: they lead to poverty ultimately

C: they lead to extravagance and intoxication

D: they make a Muslim to abandon religion

E: they make a Muslim to abandon religion

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 84 is ‘A’ which is ‘they lead one to greater sin than gain ‘.

Question 85: Al-Tawrat was revealed to .

A: Isa

B: Musa {correct answer for question number 85.}

C: Prophet Muhammad

D: Idris

E: Idris

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 85 is ‘B’ which is ‘Musa ‘.

Question 86: One importance of wearing the Ihram during Hajj is_____ .

A: it directs the mind of all Muslims towards Allah

B: it purifies the Muslims

C: it makes all Muslims equal {correct answer for question number 86.}

D: it distinguishes pilgrims by country of origin

E: it distinguishes pilgrims by country of origin

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 86 is ‘C’ which is ‘it makes all Muslims equal ‘.

Question 87: The reason Q. 2: 219 forbids wine ad gambling is because .

A: they lead one to greater sin than gain {correct answer for question number 87.}

B: they lead to poverty ultimately

C: they lead to extravagance and intoxication

D: they make a Muslim to abandon religion

E: they make a Muslim to abandon religion

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 87 is ‘A’ which is ‘they lead one to greater sin than gain ‘.

Question 88: Al-Tawrat was revealed to .

A: Isa

B: Musa {correct answer for question number 88.}

C: Prophet Muhammad

D: Idris

E: Idris

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 88 is ‘B’ which is ‘Musa ‘.

Question 89: Zakat is paid on the following except____ .

A: cash

B: cattle

C: slaves {correct answer for question number 89.}

D: all of the above

E: all of the above

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 89 is ‘C’ which is ‘slaves’.

Question 90: Shirk means ____ .

A: monotheism

B: polytheism {correct answer for question number 90.}

C: henotheism

D: syncretism

E: syncretism

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 90 is ‘B’ which is ‘polytheism’.

Question 91: The i itial suggestio to o pile the Qu a as aised .

A: A u Bak

B: Umar B. Khattab {correct answer for question number 91.}

C: Zaid B. Thabit

D: Uthman B. Affan

E: Uthman B. Affan

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 91 is ‘B’ which is ‘Umar B. Khattab ‘.

Question 92: The word Hafizi in Q. 82: 10 means .

A: angels {correct answer for question number 92.}

B: jinns

C: spirits

D: man

E: man

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 92 is ‘A’ which is ‘angels ‘.

Question 93: The reason Q. 2: 219 forbids wine ad gambling is because .

A: they lead one to greater sin than gain {correct answer for question number 93.}

B: they lead to poverty ultimately

C: they lead to extravagance and intoxication

D: they make a Muslim to abandon religion

E: they make a Muslim to abandon religion

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 93 is ‘A’ which is ‘they lead one to greater sin than gain ‘.

Question 94: The main message of ayay Amanar-Rasul is .

A: the significance of knowledge

B: the articles of faith {correct answer for question number 94.}

C: the pillars of Islam

D: payment of Zakat

E: payment of Zakat

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 94 is ‘B’ which is ‘the articles of faith ‘.

Question 95: If a Muslim prays five times daily on a regular basis, how many times will he have prayed a regular .

A: 1825 {correct answer for question number 95.}

B: 1835

C: 1835

D: 1845

E: 1845

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 95 is ‘A’ which is ‘1825’.

Question 96: Talaq al-.

A: irrevocable {correct answer for question number 96.}

B: revocable

C: impermissible

D: detestable

E: detestable

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 96 is ‘A’ which is ‘irrevocable ‘.

Question 97: If a Muslim prays five times daily on a regular basis, how many times will he have prayed a regular .

A: 1825 {correct answer for question number 97.}

B: 1835

C: 1835

D: 1845

E: 1845

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 97 is ‘A’ which is ‘1825’.

Question 98: The first place of Muslims ig atio as ___.

A: Abyssinia

B: Taif {correct answer for question number 98.}

C: Medina

D: Yathrib

E: Yathrib

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 98 is ‘B’ which is ‘Taif ‘.

Question 99: The final and total prohibition of intoxicants is contained in Surah .

A: al-Baqarah

B: an-Nisa

C: al-Maidah {correct answer for question number 99.}

D: al- I a

E: al- I a

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 99 is ‘C’ which is ‘al-Maidah ‘.

Question 100: The spokesman of the Muslims before Emperor Negus was .

A: Jaafar {correct answer for question number 100.}

B: Al-As

C: Abu Musa

D: Masa Musa

E: Masa Musa

Solution: The correct answer to the Jamb question number 100 is ‘A’ which is ‘Jaafar ‘.


That is all on the I.R.S: 100 IRK JAMB CBT Expected Questions & Answers for 2025.