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51 Vitamins For Newly Admitted University And Polytechnic Students

4 minutes read.

If you are a newly admitted student, I am so happy for you. From the dept of my kidney, sorry, my heart; I say congratulations!. On the other hand, if your admission status is in-between admitted, will soon be admitted and not admitted yet, I wish you the best.

Don’t worry, you will soon be admitted. So how do you feel as an admitted student, after all the wish, prayer and sleepless night? I know you feel good. This 51 Vitamins pack is strategically and carefully prepared to position you mentally for the University race.


This is a very important announcement. Read and read this carefully;

Any mistake made in 100 Level will always be regretted in final year. The ones made in 200L cannot be forgotten in a lifetime. When you do what other newly admitted student did, you will end up the same way they ended. Every regret of a student is either as a result of what he/she did in 100L or refused to do. Do what you should do now, don’t wait for later. As a matter of fact, latter doesn’t come. Even when it comes, you would have already missed out.


  1. You may not be given your dream course; dream in your given course.
  2. As a newly admitted student, admit that you need help.
  3. Believe in yourself.
  4. Identify your weakness early and start to work on yourself.
  5. Do not be in haste to make friends. This is one of the biggest decision you will make as a newly admitted student. So, choose friends with your eyes open.
  6. Be determined to be the best.
  7. Ask questions about the school you are admitted into.
  8. Don’t be a people pleaser
  9. Align your goals and ambition.
  10. Begin to set target.
  11. Don’t let anybody tell you that you can’t pass the course.
  12. It is possible to be on first class. Don’t be deceived by senior students.
  13. If I can be on first class, then nothing should stop you. It is very easy to achieve.
  14. Be consistent in your study.
  15. Take risks early.
  16. Look for a mentor.
  17. Don’t gossip lecturers.
  18. Don’t give up on hard work.
  19. It is too early to start a relationship. Give it some time.
  20. Avoid distractions from the opposite sex.
  21. The exams should not be close before you start preparing.
  22. Even as a newly admitted student, Aim to be the best in your class.
  23. Live life offline. Don’t be too addicted to social network.
  24. Learn something new every day.
  25. Always attend classes.
  26. Ask questions in class.
  27. Focus your energy on what creates the desired result of your life.
  28. Improve your brains and minds everyday.
  29. Don’t just study to pass exams, study to understand things about life.
  30. Have a strong reading habit.
  31. Do not disappoint your parents. Be a good value for their money.
  32. Avoid distractions from senior students.
  33. Avoid people who have the same weakness with you.
  34. Prepare study time-table and follow it sequentially.
  35. Don’t use secondary school reading pattern. Upgrade!
  36. If nobody motivates you, motivate yourself.
  37. It is too early to blame people. Stay focused.
  38. Don’t be too occupied with religious activities.
  39. Listen actively in class.
  40. Think critically
  41. Aim to understand.
  42. Write down your goals.
  43. Be discipline.
  44. Your parents may not be there, it doesn’t guarantee you to misbehave.
  45. Don’t hang around with the opposite sex in ungodly hours.
  46. Learn through trial and error.
  47. Focus on quality.
  48. Read motivational and inspiration books
  49. Mange your time.
  50. Always visit FlashLearners for updates.
  51. You alone are to blame for your failure..