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2024/2025 WAEC SSCE GCE Literature In English | Sample Questions and Answers Chokes | Expo For January/February Examinations

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There will be three papers – Papers 1, 2 and 3. Papers 1 and 2 will be combined in a 1 hour 15 minutes composite paper and will be taken at one sitting Paper 1 will be a multiple choice objective test.

It will contain fifty questions distributed as follows: (a) Twenty questions on General Knowledge of Literature; (b) Five questions on an unseen prose passage; (c) Five questions on an unseen poem; (d) Twenty context questions on the prescribed Shakespearean text.

Candidates will be required to answer all the questions within 1 hour for 50 marks. Paper 2 will be an essay test with two sections, Sections A and B. Section A will be on African Prose and Section B on Non African Prose. Two essay questions will be set on each of the novels prescribed for study.

Candidates shall be required to answer one question only from each section within 1 hour 15 minutes for 50 marks. Paper 3 will be on the Drama and Poetry components of the syllabus. It will be put into four sections, Sections A, B. C and D as follows:

Section A: African Drama Section

B: Non-African Drama

Section C: African Poetry

Section D: Non-African Poetry

There shall be two questions on each of the prescribed texts for each section.

Candidates shall be required to answer one question from each of the sections, making a total of four questions. The paper will take 2 hours 30 minutes to complete and will carry 50 marks.



[General Knowledge on Literature]1. ____________ is sung to put a child to sleep. A. A ballad B. A lullaby C. A dirge D. A pastoral

2. In drama the purposeful use of gestures and actions is A. soliloquy. B. mime. C. eulogy. D. aside.

3. Imagery in a literary work A. creates suspense. B. accentuates humour. C. heightens the dramatic atmosphere. D. appeals to the senses.

4. All the world’s a stage, is an example of A. metaphor. B. paradox. C. allusion. D. personification.

5. _________ is the time and place in which the action of a narrative takes place. A. Denouement B. Mood C. Setting D. Plot

6. A tale in which the characters are often animals is A. a fable. B. an epic. C. a ballad. D. an ode.

7.Love indeed is anything, Yet indeed is nothing illustrates the use of A.apostrophe. B.antithesis. C.oxymoron. D.parody.

8. A reader’s curiosity is sustained through A. suspense. B. conflict. C. flashback. D. climax.

9. A hilarious and absurd play can be referred to as A. a farce. B. a pantomime. C. an ode. D. a comedy.